Holiday Blend


This holiday season we challenged ourselves with making a limited-edition whiskey that tasted like Christmas in a bottle. The idea was simple, blend a rye and finish it in a spiced rum barrel. One issue however, spiced rum isn’t something that you typically age in a barrel. Where were we going to find a spiced rum barrel, let alone one that doesn’t use artificial flavoring? That’s where we turned to our friends at Lugo Craft Distillery in Lakeland, Florida. Lugo’s makes Libertalia Spiced Rum using all-natural ingredients and no artificial color or flavoring or sweetener. This was exactly what we were looking for, and it just so happens that they were aging spiced rum for a customer of theirs, perfect timing!

The Recipe

81.27% of the blend - Manifest Rye - Florida

18.73% of the blend - Journeyman Last Feather Rye - Michigan

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